Organizational Structure

ACAD is a membership organization opened to any member of the community who is over 18 years old, of sound mind and pays annual subscription fee. The membership is also opened to organizations or agencies that apply and receive approval by the Board of Trustees. ACAD has also founding members and honorary members approved by the Board of Trustees. The organization of ACAD is structured into:

General Assembly, the highest organ of ACAD that consists of the registered members, provides overall policy direction, and appoints the members of the Board of Trustees,

The Board of Trustees is the highest policy and administrative organ that supervises the adherence to the ACAD’s vision, mission, strategic goals, guiding principles and constitution, approves and oversees the implementation of ACAD’s plans, programs and projects, and approves the appointment of the senior members of the Executive Committee of ACAD and oversees their performance.

The Executive Committee carries out the day-to-day activities, effective implementation of ACAD’s programs and judicious management of ACAD’s resources. It is headed by the Executive Director as the chief administrator of ACAD assisted by Projects Coordinator, Financial Officer, Administrator, Human Rights Protection Officer, and Gender/ Child Care and Women Officer, Field Coordinator.

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