ACAD organizational structure ensures that there is proper flow of activities, control and implementation of the organizational strategic goal. The structure also ensures productivity, development and making ACAD an attractive agency. The structure consist of the following 

1. General assembly

2. The Board of trustees 

3. The Executive committee 

4. Any other committee appointed by the General assembly

General Assembly 

The general assembly is composed of all members of ACAD. They provide overall policy direction of ACAD and initiate, discuss and approve strategic and long term plans and approve the budget as presented by Executive committee. They also evaluate reports from Board of Trustees. They also have power to elect the Board of trustees and the secretariat. 

The Board of Trustees 

The Board of Trustees consists of 17 members elected by the General Assembly. The Board of Trustees responsibilities include:

• Ensure  that ACADs vision, mission, strategic goals  and constitution are scrupulously implemented, complied  with and honored;

• Supervise  the efficient  implementation of ACADs projects  and programmes; 

• Ensure fairness and balance in the distribution of services and development projects among various  communities; and 

• Mobilize resources for ACADs activities. 

Executive committee 

The executive committee is composed  of the Executive Director, Projects Coordinator, Financial Officer, Administrator, Human Rights Protection Officer, Gender/ Child Care and Women Officer, Field Coordinator, Accountant, Logistician/ storekeeper, Secretary, Facilitators of various projects  and programmes and other support staff. The Executive Committee ensures prior management and implementation of ACADs programmes. 

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