Livestock Restocking
Goat Restocking
Under livelihood activities ACAD implement three different goats restocking, first project was supported by Common Humanitarian fund (CHF) through FAO in 2007 and implemented by ACAD, 350 Household was the target and 1050 female goat was distributed plus 35 male in seven villages in Abyei area.
Second Goat restocking project was also funded by FAO in 2009, and implemented by ACAD, 50 household was the target in five villages in Abyei area, distributing 150goats
The third project was ACAD- IOM partnership project in financial support avail by IOM and ACAD implement it, in this project the target was 150 household scatted in five villages in Abyei area he beneficiaries received 450 female goats and 50 male goats. In 2010 -2011 ACAD has successfully implemented goat restocking project in five villages targeting returnees and venerable host community with SNV which is Netherlands based humanitarian organization
Animal Traction
Animal traction was a project supported financially by UNIDO through ACAD in 2008. The project was targeting ten villages in Abyei, with five different activities in each village.
First activity was selection of village development committee, following by village development committee training, training of trainers in Animal traction, Farmers training in Animal traction with 50 Oxen distributed to them, training of Blacksmith with distribution of ten Blacksmith toolkits and 12000 different Agriculture hand tools distributed to 2000 household.
Training Animal health workers and Animals Vaccination
ACAD with collaboration of F.A.O carried out successful refreshment and initial trainings for Animal health workers in the period between April 2007 June 2010(six trainings in Total), three were refreshment trainings to 36 participants in Agok and three were initial trainings to 45 participants in Abyei town these training aimed to improve animal health which will reduce animal death that can contribute to good animal production and therefore balance diet in term of milk and meat to local communities.